Opto 22 has released new versions of its Node-RED nodes to support the groov EPIC system.

The Opto 22 Developer site has also been updated to fully reflect Node-RED support for the groov EPIC system.

To update an installed node in Node-RED, open Settings, select Palette, find the node, and click on the update button.

Node-RED for groov View

Node-RED for groov View 1.1.0 has been released and supports all versions of groov View, including groov EPIC processors (GRV-EPIC-PR1), groov Edge Appliance (GROOV-AR1), and groov Server for Windows.

This project was previously known as “Node-RED for groov”.

Node-RED for PAC Control

Node-RED for PAC Control 1.1.0 has been released and supports both groov EPIC and SNAP PAC controllers running a PAC Control strategy.

This project was previously known as “Node-RED for SNAP PAC”.