
This Getting Started guide covers setting up your groov device and using it with the Node-RED for groov I/O nodes.


To use Node-RED for groov I/O, the following programs and packages must be available:

  • Node-RED
    • Node-RED is pre-installed in groov EPIC processors (GRV-EPIC-PR1) and the groov Edge Appliance (GROOV-AR1).
    • You may also run your own instance of Node-RED on a computer or device, following our installation instructions.
  • groov I/O Nodes
    • The groov I/O nodes must be installed within Node-RED.


Beyond the above prerequisites, the following steps must be taken to use the nodes:

  1. Configure the nodes to communicate with groov I/O.
  2. Create flows in Node-RED to use the groov I/O.

Each of these steps is described in the following sections.

Next Step

Continue to installing the Node-RED for groov I/O nodes.