
The Node-RED for groov I/O nodes must be installed before they can be used. There are several possible methods, depending upon how you are running Node-RED.

Install groov I/O Nodes

Option 1 - Install from within Node-RED (including GRV-EPIC-PR1 and GROOV-AR1)

  1. Make sure that your Node-RED runtime can access the Internet.
  2. Open the Node-RED editor in your browser.
  3. Click the menu icon (the “hamburger”) in the upper right corner of the editor, and then select the Manage palette menu item. This will open the “Manage palette” view.
  4. Click the Install tab.
  5. In the search field, enter node-red-contrib-groov-io. It should return with one entry.
  6. Click the install button. It will take a few moments to process.
  7. Click Done to close the Manage palette view.
  8. The groov Read and Write nodes should now be in the list of available nodes.

Option 2 - Install Manually with NPM

On a computer, Node-RED nodes can be installed from the command line, either “locally” for the current user, or “globally” for all users on a system. For a typical single-user computer, it doesn’t matter much which method you use.

Install Globally for All Users

On Windows, to install the groov I/O nodes globally, open a command prompt window and enter:

npm install -g node-red-contrib-groov-io

On Linux systems, you will very likely need to prepend the command with “sudo”, like this:

sudo npm install -g node-red-contrib-groov-io

Then run or restart Node-RED.

Install Locally for Current User

To install for only the current user, you must be in their .node-red directory, and do not use the -g option.

For Windows:

cd C:\Users\<username>\.node-red
npm install node-red-contrib-groov-io

For Linux:

cd ~/.node-red
npm install node-red-contrib-groov-io

Then run or restart Node-RED.

Next Step

If you’re new to Node-RED, continue to our Node-RED Hello, world! example.

If you already know Node-RED, you can jump to groov I/O Nodes - Introduction.